
Friday, May 09, 2008

Katie's dream house!

We were watching a dvd from the library this morning. As it showed the outside of a house where the main character lives, Katie gasped, "That is the prettiest house I've ever seen!" I don't recommend the dvd at all, in fact, Jackson asked me to return it because the kids in it weren't doing the right things. Yeah, it's not as all like I remembered from my childhood. Any guesses to whom this house belongs?


Anonymous said...

Jessica! That's Pippi Longstocking's house isn't it???? That is too funny! I know I'm a little late reading this, but I just saw that movie recently too! I bought it for $5 at Giant about a week ago thinking, "Oh Boy, I remember this from being a kid!!" You're right though, it's not what I remember either!! Definitely doesn't teach good morals...glad I only wasted $5.



JoyfulJessica said...

Ding ding ding! We have a winner! Yes, that is Pippi Longstocking's house. Isn't it funny how we remember things differently than we did as a child? I definitely don't remember her being such a bad influence on everyone she meets.